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Old 08 June 2023, 19:30   #183
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Originally Posted by Paulee_Alex_Bow View Post
There’s something in the Amigian’s psyche about feeling abandoned by the commercial world I think, meaning that any overly commercial enterprise that doesn’t feel like a guy in his garden shed making cool things for the love of it, is not widely accepted.

I personally identify heavily with the punk rock DIY ethic, so that obviously informs my opinion, but commercial enterprises can totally ruin a hobby, just as centralisation can.

People making cool things for the love of the game are the lifeblood of any community. If you make something cool, people will buy it from you, and you can share it too. Shackling yourself to a commercial enterprise doesn't really make sense in this day and age, especially for niche projects.

The future for vintage computing hardware lies in open collaberation. Open hardware, open source software. Making sure everything is out there ensures that in ten, twenty, thirty years time if someone wants to get into Amiga and needs a bit of hardware then as long as the gerber files and a BOM are mirrored somewhere, they can build it themselves and adapt or improve it. I don't know about this "AGA" group, but generally speaking commercial enterprises are often loathe to share developments they've funded, preferring to sit atop a pile of IP like Smaug on his treasure. That's no good for anyone.
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