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Old 23 May 2023, 11:14   #411
CaptainM68K-SPS France
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Originally Posted by Torti-the-Smurf View Post
It´s even worst when you read the "subtext",
because Erik must have been very frustrated by the Amiga Community.

They had there background in the Amiga Demoscene and left out any copy protection on purpose because they knew it would be cracked anyway
but maybe quality would sell he said in issue 11/93.

It did not and people copied it like crazy (hope you are proud of yourself )

Thats why when he said "Why even bother with a pimped up version ?
,we have already pulled out all the registers."

It´s like.. what would be the point ? ;We put our hard and soul into it and made it as good as we could and people still pirated it like crazy, so why go to all those troubles again with an AGA version.

They also where burned out;
they really gave them all and even worked over the X-Mas holidays.

Did people reward them for it ? No, of course not.

They where so frustrated that Erik and Henk left Thalion afterwards.

Erik also said in an 2019 Amiga Joker 1/19 issue: (no scan available)

"Lionheart was a colossal flop (financially) ,a console version might have prevented the financial debacle, but that was not feasible for Thalion.
Unfortunately we had no experience with consoles.

Quote end.

So; you see his "Why even bother with a pimped up version ?
;we have already pulled out all the registers." now in a different light/context.

It was a financially disaster and Thalion was almost at the End, Ambermoon could not save it either. Same story. Was pirated like crazy.


Then the Psygnosis era began.....

That was a bit of Thalion & Lionheart trivia.

But back on Topic.

I tried the Challenge Mode today for the first time and made it in the fist try.
Who said Turrican is hard ???????

I post some Pics. The score could be improved by collect all Gems and stuff
but it was my first "just for Fun" try.

Maybe we do a challenge guys; who is up for it ?

Highest score in Challenge mode or a Lemon challenge ?

What do you think guys ?

Yours, Torti
Let me illustrate with my own experience back in the day regarding Lionheart.

Of course, it was impossible for me to get this game as a copy. It had to be an original.

So, i bought the game via mail order to the shop based in NICE called 'Jessico'.

The game was sold 99 francs. Do you see the total nonsense ?
This means that Thalion's folks work was completely sold off ! This game retail price should have been 245 francs (something like 25.99 pounds in UK).

My conclusion regarding this, was that this game costed lots of money to Thalion, and then this ridiculous price in the retail shops ? The distributors and the publisher were doing a total mess of a wrong job ! That's the only explanation so far. And the very same kind of shit happened to Turrican.
The games were great, and they were : badly mastered on at least machine, badly distributed, and distributed in very limited quantities !

Come on ! Read next :

While ordering on the phone, the woman who was the shop owner told me this when i questioned her about Lionheart :

Me : "The game price is anormaly low, how can that be ?"

Her : "This is the distributor pricing. I can also tell you that i had lots of problems to get a stock of this game. The best i could have was 4 boxes of Lionheart. Minus the one you bought, i have 3 remaining, and i don't know if i will get others. The distributor has "lots of troubles" to get us just few copies".

So you see, If Lionheart was a colossal financial disaster for Thalion, it was not only because Thalion could not manufacture enough copies, but the distributor itself has set ridiculously low prices for this jewel of a game.

How could Thalion make money when a top game like this was sold at the price of a low quality budget game and in limited quantities ?

One can even wonder if the piracy was not fuelled by the limited quantities sold in the shop !

Another point : In France, at the time we had around something like 5xx shops selling hardware and computer games. the shelves were the games were disposed in 1993 were small. Nothing like what we have these days.

Now do the maths : a publisher manufactures 50.000 copies of a game for the whole european countries concerned. 500 shops to sell the games in a single country. How many copies per shop per country ?

The amount of copies per shop is ridiculous.

Last edited by dlfrsilver; 23 May 2023 at 11:23.
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