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Old 17 May 2023, 22:12   #29
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Originally Posted by Bruce Abbott View Post

I was a registered CDTV developer, which only cost US$25 per year and had few strings attached. Unlike other Amiga models you had to submit your product to Commodore for quality control before it could be released. They tested our title and asked how I was able to get the loading so fast. I pointed out that I just used the technique they suggested in the CDTV developer notes!
Does this imply that other CDTV developers were overcomplicating things with their own slower loading routines? I know that registered developers on the Amiga side had to only do system-legal code, which probably prevented most of the fancy hardware tricks seen in the most technically impressive arcade games, but presumably limited compatibility issues with later models.

I love the OP's idea that a programmer who achieved something impressive should have shared his routines with rival programmers, potentially with rival publishers. This wasn't communism, and Magnetic Fields weren't a registered charity. And imagine how bored you'd be if 10 other companies did games with the same routines as each other.

Incidentally, did Commodore know that the Amiga was more complicated to code to its limits than the C64 was when they launched it? Even when they launched the A500, did they perceive how far beyond the ST its ultimate potential was? The general public seemingly didn't.
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