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Old 11 May 2023, 22:42   #22
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Originally Posted by rhester72 View Post
That isn't true at all. CATS was a _very_ big deal to commercial (hardware and software) developers and wasn't even a thing until after the A500 and went on through the end of Commodore as a company.

Granted, it wasn't free, but good developer support never is.
But were the CATS team capable of writing Lotus Turbo 2.5D quality routines, Beast 1 overland/intro level parallax scrolling routines that race the beam? This is the sort of level of coding talent and developer support the A500 needed to match the little PC Engine of 1987.

Books are of zero use unless the coder is already as talented as Martin Edmondson et al

They needed something like Sony's Playstation1 Analyser used by Namco to write Ridge Racer IV for something as complex as the Amiga chipset+68000 combo used to get its pixel pushing grunt.

Amiga != C64 simple to hack and push type hardware, you need genuine multiprocessor coding skills to make it do bugger all remotely jaw dropping IMO. If all 2.5D racing games and side scrolling Rastan Saga knock-offs were Lotus II/Beast 1 quality a lot more Amigas would have sold IMO. I think Commodore development team members need to accept that as their failing as much as the coders who weren't ever up to Martin/Shaun standards of OCS coding genius etc
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