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Old 23 April 2023, 17:49   #2
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Hoping things work out for you.
I have an order in myself that's right about at the 4 week mark and it still shows the status as pending...
But I haven't reached out yet. For a few reasons.
One, I'm across the pond, and I know things take longer to get here.
Two, I saw there was some time off they had early in April, so I am subtracting a waiting week. ;-)
Three, I tend to see Retro tech companies the same way I see local businesses in our small town.
I live in a small (basically a vacation spot) town. Almost all the small places have signs like:
"It's worth the weight" (with the word wait being crossed out and replaced with weight)
"We serve good food, not fast food"
or the more generic "Thank you for your patience"

These small businesses just can't be always staffed up for the surge traffic they get, and we are a slow moving people here... ;-)

I think of many of the retro stores in the same way.
Yes, sometimes they can be great and fast. But other times, they get slow...
It is unfortunate, but it happens...

I do think they should definitely be more communicative, but I get it if they are struggling. It can be hard to give customers bad news (we don't actually have that part)...

Now, I do still appreciate posts like this. I'm not saying people shouldn't be made aware.
But I look at it as more of a "heads up, they are slow again" message to other potential buyers than a complaint about the business itself...

But that's me...

Good luck!
I figure I am about a week from sending my first "Hey, is there a status update" to them on my order... And I don't expect a quick response based on the posts I've read recently. That's good to know... ;-)
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