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Old 10 February 2023, 12:35   #20
Amigas: A500+ A600 A1200
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Join Date: Dec 2022
Location: Liverpool, UK
Age: 42
Posts: 55
Okay, I'm really sorry to have sent you on a wild goose chase, but it looks like I have a faulty Switch Pro controller.

It works with the Switch wirelessly just fine but I noticed when I plugged it in and enabled wired communication I started getting severe input lag - as in go-and-make-a-cup-of-tea-whilst-you-wait-for-the-button-press-to-register-in-game type input lag!

Same on Steam when playing games that have native supoprt for the Switch Pro controller. It'll work fine sometimes (most times, in fact) but then other times it's as if the controller goes to sleep for a while, then wakes up and sends all your inputs at once before nodding off again! It's the same on both my machines.

I have no idea what could cause this or why it appears to be intermittent (or why it continues to work flawlessly when wireless on Switch) but that's a question for a different forum!

As I don't have a known-working controller to test with I'm going to put this one down to mine being faulty, rather than anything wrong with WinUAE's controller support.

Sorry again for wasting your time. With it being an intermittent problem the controller appeared to be working just fine initially, otherwise I wouldn't have raised it as a possible issue with WinUAE.

Now with that said I have discovered another small (unrelated) bug with the newest version of WinUAE so I'll post another thread for that in a minute...
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