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Old 07 October 2022, 14:44   #15
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Originally Posted by Marce View Post
if you buy any accel with a 060 without fpu then you are doomed forever
LOL, overreact much?

if there is a shortage of full 060 then a full 040 is a far better option than any eco version of the 060
Depends very much on what you're doing. A full '040 is quite a bit slower than a full '060 for most things, and if you're interested in demos that need an FPU, they'll likely be too slow on a full '040 anyway.

Originally Posted by Marce View Post
some games like quake,quake 2, duke nukem 3d yes use it and don''t work without it
While there are a small few games that do require an FPU, they're hardly a dealbreaker for people who don't have much interest in playing ports of PC games that run far better on that platform anyway.

apps as "simple mail"
I haven't noticed a need for an FPU when using SimpleMail.

mp3 encoders as lame etc
Encoding MP3s on the Amiga falls into the same category as rendering - doing anything serious is so slow that it makes far more sense to do it on another platform - even if under emulation. Listening to MP3s at least is something that can be done on an '060 (and integer decoders are often faster than ones using the FPU), whereas with a full '040 you need to compromise on the decoding quality.

also if you use a Mac 68k emulator as shapeshifter or fusion, then you are more limited because lot of Mac apps requires FPU
The Mac side can use a soft FPU, though that will of course be slower.
They're all quite niche use cases all things considered though, hardly the awful "doom" you speak of that users would find themselves stuck in.

The single biggest reason for a full '060 these days is to be able to run demos. After that, you're into smaller and smaller edge cases, and while these uses are clearly important to a few people like you, that doesn't mean they're automatically important for users in general. To counter your own individual requirements, I can tell you that, far from being doomed, with current '060 prices I have saved myself hundreds of pounds by using an LC060 instead of a full '060 and haven't once found myself missing the FPU.
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