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Old 27 September 2022, 02:56   #118
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new version up on first page, UHC devs added support to Search/Get/Extract from Turrans FTP (, they warn at present search results can be LOOOOOONG and wont all fit in the window, future version of the gui will "try" and trim that down to fit as best as possible, if in doubt tho click any entry and just like previously a trimmed/more full set of details is shown in the info bar at the bottom which uses a non fixed width font so you "should" see all details that way for now.

Also to note, the RAW filename given is based off the FTP's way of doing things, ie: filenames that amigaos/workbench doesnt like might clusterfudge when trying to download or extract, if an EXTRACT operation fails, try GET, and even then check the resulting filename if it worked, it may need a quick rename, this is still a work in progress at a guess and the GUI wont need a fix once the UHC guys find a way around the filename issue. Files with more "sensible" names are ofc no issue at all.

As an example, try TURRANSEARCH SIM CITY, then TURRANEXTRACT 0, or just type SIM CITY into the GUI for Turran FTP, it will list a lot and if you look at the first entry, the filename has + symbols, square brackets [], loads of spaces in it, and the whole thing kinda just facemelts at the present with a filename like that, this will no doubt get a fix later, just do periodic checks for updates to UHC-TOOLS via the GUI or type "UHCUPDATE" in a shell window.
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