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Old 24 September 2022, 00:27   #97
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Originally Posted by EctoOne View Post
But you need to run the installation every time after a Hard Reset or shutdown. Sure, it would be quick to do on a RAD but still. I'm using uae4arm and a RAD does not survive a reset from the GUI. I'm also not sure about the RAM usage when using such a big RAD. This again probably won't be an issue on an emulated system, but yeah... not sure.

To speed things up I could create a RAD for the installation and then copy it to either a disk or directly an adf (if that is even possible, and if it is, it would require another program), but that won't fix the limited space.

Like, I said. Currently everything still fits. So as long as your GUI or UHC don't become super huge all of a sudden, it should be fine.
nice, yeah i was thinking of any future updates for the GUI, wasnt sure if the slow increases in size would eventually be an issue or not.
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