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Old 09 April 2022, 15:55   #204
son of 68k
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Originally Posted by Promilus View Post
Sure it is. Well, not best example as something which amiga could use. But that was just example of how complex hobbyists (!!) project can get and that's nothing in comparison how complex application amiga can run.
Sure, but a complex application is just made of many simpler modules - which can in turn be written in any language, and not necessarily the same.

Originally Posted by Promilus View Post
Some ports - yes. All ports - that's an exaggeration. Both Doom and Quake seems fairly optimized and while Quake is still more of a slideshow than FPS it's what PC players experienced with their first pentiums or last 486s (and no 3d accel). Projects like OpenRA, Openlara, GemRB, Dune Legacy, Settlers BTTR, VCMI etc. etc. are potential games which might at some point appear on Amiga. Doesn't mean it all is fast or bugfree.
Well, most ports at least are slow.
Of course, they weren't very fast on the PC to start with, i.e. they often required a higher configuration than ought to be.

Originally Posted by Promilus View Post
But it IS where there could have been nothing.
This is the only advantage i can see for compiled code.
As it does not help that much in later handling the code : rewriting C into asm isn't an easy task but the problem does not come from writing the asm : it comes from understanding what is that ***** original code doing ! Well, of course good C is easier to handle than bad C, but nevertheless.
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