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Old 08 April 2022, 19:48   #13
Speedbump gimme goosebump
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Originally Posted by Lamaman71 View Post
Has anyone got hold of one of these devices to verify its performance?
I've got one, and it does the job just fine IMHO. The S-Video converter that was implemented by the seller at the back of my 1 MB A500 now has a loose contact and I am too lazy / numb to fix it myself, so I thought it was the right time to take the VGA route, which was the right thing to do apparently. I use that Italian made adapter along with the UMSA (a VGA to Scart converter cable of sorts). As a reminder, I use a carefully chosen vintage tellys to convey the signal to, namely A 22'' Samsung flat tube CRT TV and a 15'' LG LCD TV.
What can I say ? The picture looks pristine on both TV's . Composite (S-Video I have been using until then with my previous setup) is Ok for very compact TV's / monitors, but bigger CRT TV's make a mess out of the colors, at least that's how I experienced things.
Since I don't have a standard db23 -> VGA to compare it to, it's hard for me to say if those ugly lines the OP is evoking would have affected my display on the LCD (assuming CRT's aren't affected at all) had I settled with the cheaper adapter.

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