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Old 21 March 2022, 18:48   #3
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Join Date: Dec 2020
Location: Toronto
Posts: 6
Ok, I did a bit more testing at the weekend now.

I started with a fresh install of Amiga OS 3.5 now and installed as before:

1. CyberGraphX V4 42.0
2. CyberGraphX V4 42.0 (update) - this includes the "unsupported" A2410 driver
3. CyberGraphX V4.3 (42.7) - this includes what appears to be a supported A2410 driver

I'm able to actually desk a Workbench screen to appear now when connected to the video port of the A2410. I tried both 800 x 600 as well as 1024 x768.

BUT - if I try to click on any icon, the icon is selected (highlighted) and the system appears to hang. The mouse no longer moves. Interestingly, I also observed the same if I tried to control the mouse pointer with the keyboard.

So I'm definitely further with CGX V4 and the A2410 on OS 3.5 now. I'm starting to wonder if this is a HW issue somewhere? Could this be an issue with the CIA chips, etc.

Also, the other thing I'm not certain of. There are a number of CGX settings (nopassthrough, etc) which I've tried different combinations of. None seem to make a difference to the above.

Again, any suggestions welcome.
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