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Old 09 February 2022, 04:05   #4718
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Originally Posted by philgood1351fr View Post
Welcome Back.
Cheers my friend

...but seriously; I've said it enough times now. I'm done with EAB!!!

Yes, I will still read as a "Guest" on occasion but...

You guys really need to put yourself in my shoes

I gave over 15 years of my life dedicated to this site... and for what exactly???

After all I've done for the Amiga community, and more specifically EAB (been a GMod twice moderating on separate occasions, which is an extremely hard job), BippyM thinks it's cool to ban me for 7 months (without warning), for a continued argument with mcgeezer; where he accused me of lying about what he said to me "in person" when we met for drinks in London for the second time (which I posted a picture of incidentally), related to porting the next game of my choice, after running the "EAB Competition" by myself, donating 90% of the prize money solely (check the thread if you think I'm bullshitting); and also giving him funds behind the scenes to purchase an A1200 for his use in game development...

I remember exactly how the conversion went i.e:
Graeme: "Thank you so much for taking care of the competition, I'm so happy that I won. You can choose the next game that I port."

Damien: "No problem my friend, you so deserve it. I really love Shinobi in the Arcades... and the Amiga port sucks balls."

Graeme; "Yeah, but I have no experience with that game and it's not one that I've really ever played... I was thinking Wonderboy next."

Damien: "Ok, that would be great too; but if you are giving me the choice; then Shinobi please."
Yeah, Graeme won't admit that in public; just like he won't admit that he told me the next game he ports is my choice after everything I did... doesn't change that fact that it's 100% true though; and yet he says that apparently I'm a liar...

Yeah right... you guys have known me for 17+ years... I've always been a man of my words, donated shite loads of cash to RCK / EAB / Toni Wilen / GameDevs / various Competitions / deceased members (Paul / Belgarath's wife), etc... why suddenly; because Graeme who's only been a member for 4.5 years says so; am I a bullshitter exactly???

...and of course he's a super "game dev" that can do whatever the hell he likes; and gets away with constantly abusing people / communities as he so sees fit. Please just review his posts and you will see what I mean... give me a break!!!

I even protected him when I was a GMod, when he pissed off the whole entire Polish community via silly me

That's ok, Graeme will probably write some bullshit about me in his next game after this post, as that's his usual style... like he has done previously with Amiten and recently; Glen Planamento in his new "Devil's Temple - Son of the Kung-Fu Master", and in the related thread and "Dev" YouTube videos... sad... mark my words people

As for EAB moderation... none of them did sweet f%^k all when I was there. I asked for help numerous times as I was doing 14 hour days by myself... and now EAB is in shambles since I left... threads all over the place that need renaming / merging etc... great example, the Amiga 1942 conversion where the GameDev asked for it to be moved numerous times from the "Coders.General" section, but fell on deaf ears due to lack of moderation; despite there being 6+ current GMods; apparently "active"

...and I get demoted by RCK as he had 10+ complaints related to yet another always toxic "Vampire" thread, where fools like grond and mai (who claim they are innocent), threatened EAB

I know for a fact that at least 20+ people e-mailed RCK to say that my banning was unfair. What happened? Yeah nothing... not even a polite reply from RCK...

So there you go guys. The truth needs to be heard, and out in public... anytime anybody posts a thread about me and the injustice that occurred; it gets lock / deleted by the current moderation team

Anyway... I'm a very happy, positive guy and go out of my way to help all. That's clearly evident in all my 20,000+ posts

This post will probably be deleted once one of GMods reads it, and then I'll be banned again permanently.

Do I care??? Nope, not one bit at all

...but let's see if the current moderation team decide actually to leave this truthful post; or purge forever... I already know what they will do; the truth hurts and all that... suppress, suppress, suppress, purge, purge, purge; and then try to make me out as a crazy lunatic

So, there it is my friends and exactly why I say "FUCK EAB"

Last edited by DamienD; 09 February 2022 at 04:15.
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