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Old 05 February 2022, 18:21   #20
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Originally Posted by alkis21 View Post
Let me be clear that I am continuing this debate not because I want to have the last word or anything, but because I genuinely find it interesting and I think that you make some good points.
Just so we're clear, I have no animosity toward you, people with differing opinions should be mature enough to discuss them, the internet could do with more of that

Originally Posted by alkis21 View Post
But I'm not commenting on his whole channel. Just on this video & EAB post. I applaud him if he cures cancer patients and builds huts in Burundi in those other videos, but right now I'm only addressing the current thread.
That's fair enough, but i'm just offering a counter to balance out the criticism that you claimed sounded like a "20 year old who wants to make fun of old tech", and those style of channels for the most part are simply there to shit on everything, Zeus's channel doesn't.

Originally Posted by alkis21 View Post
Fair point about KO2, but that's not why I'd dismiss a criticism. The wrong reasons in my book are ignoring the era when a game was made. As I wrote before, he claims the game is shit stating reasons that apply to 90% of Amiga action games. And perhaps it wouldn't ruffle my feathers so badly had it simply been a review, but he downright insults the developers. This game does not deserve this much hate, they are so many shovelware, half-assed attempts on the Amiga that do. Some people actually worked hard on this title and it should be obvious to any retro gamer.
This is where we differ. Whether we think someone worked hard on something doesn't negate that the end result still wasn't satisfactory, in the same way someone working really hard to pass an exam doesn't get an A because of how hard they worked, they get the result they deserve for what they actually achieved, and sometimes that's a D.

Carver is a game from 1991, and I am singularly unimpressed with its graphical content, and there should be no issues with highlighting it.

Your argument would work better had Carver been a game from 1987, when the first developers were getting to grips with the hardware, it would have been a game of its time that reasonable people could say "It wasn't the best in 1987, but it was comparable to other games of its time."

However, it was released in 1991, and things on the Amiga had moved on quite a bit since then, even the lamentable Tiertex, whilst still bad, had clearly improved over time. Carver was a game that had 1987 aesthetics, released 4 years too late.

Originally Posted by alkis21 View Post
OK fine, let the record show that I'm changing my phrase to Also, 'middle fingers to the poogrammers!' is incredibly childish and in poor taste.
I think if you had chosen any word other than "offensive", it really wouldn't be something that would stick out so much, but in recent years, the word "offensive" has been so utterly diluted now, that it takes power away from the word when its really needed.

But we discussed like adults, the internet didn't get to see a fight today lol
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