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Old 23 January 2022, 16:42   #1
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Join Date: May 2020
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Posts: 52
Help with my poorly A4000

Hopefully someone can help out with who best to send this too.

The last year or so my A4000 was getting very temperamental starting up often requring two or three attempts to boot. (sometimes not giving a display at all, other times failing to load WB)

Once up and running it was mostly fine, I had it recapped last summer hoping it would fix the issue (mainboard and power supply) it seemed better but after a couple of months started doing the same and recently started requiring 6 or 7 attempts to get it to boot correctly.

Using PC-Task the other day it locked up and wouldnt restart at all, I left it over night and still nothing. (PSU fan comes on and monitor switched on but no display at all)

Eventually it came on, crashed and that was it so I got some Diagroms.

It came on OK and I thought I'd test the RAM ( it has 16MB fast ram on the board and 64MB on the Apollo 060 card) it detected it OK so I thought i'd remove the CPU card RAM and test the board RAM first.

Now nothing again.

I'm at the end of my ability, who is BEST to send this too (I'm in Cornwall). I really just want it working perfectly and it's really getting me down testing it now.

(during all testing all hard drives, Picasso board etc were removed)
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