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Old 20 January 2022, 18:46   #7
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Old query I know. however, All my Amiga's have taken a turn for the worse (fatal) in my attic. So I am using fs-uae and winuae depending on my computer in use. My old SCSI drive had 4 partitions. When I imaged it the emulators could see all the partitions but not run the KCS partition as it obviously doesn't have the hardware there anymore.
To access all the data from the 2 amiga partitions, GVP286 partition and KCS partition. All bar the KCS partition could be accessed in Linux by using as sudo in a terminal losetup -Pf amiga.img . they could then be mounted as sudo mount -t AFFS /mnt/loop0p1 up to loop0p4 for the 4th partition.
The KCS partition still couldn't be read.

Gparted showed all 4 partitions as unknown format so was no good to access the data.

However, in a terminal I found using sudo testdisk /dev/loop0p2 (the KCS partition) worked.
the files could all be seen and extracted/copied to another folder and seen in the Amiga emulator or the Linux host.

Using the real Amiga's when they were alive I used either twin-express to copy to another Amiga/PC and then back again. Or after I had bought DOS 6.0 I would use Interlnk and Intersvr using either a null modem or a parallel coms lead.

It worked really well at the time. I even used it to copy the Win95 setup files to a boss one time who wanted to install it on his own computer which had no CD drive using my A570. The parallel lead made file transfer between Amiga/PC/Amiga pain free using interlnk/intersvr.

The same method worked for accessing the hardfile used in pctask. Having extracted the partitions from my amiga.img I found that using loop device in Linux on the hardfile was able to read and access all the files within the hardfile (pctask c drive).
twin-express understands to some extent long filenames from the Amiga side but only 8.3 filenames on the DOS side. Though it still works on windows 95 and newer with dosbox if needed.
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