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Old 25 June 2004, 10:19   #7
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Well, the reply was certainly fast... I hope they don't mind me reposting it but I feel it's good final information
for anyone else going down this path... I guess I need to
tinker some more... or talk to Eric?

thanks again Alex


unfortunately it's not that simple ...

there are three versions of the Elite board, many Producer software
versions, and at least two major revisions of the Sunrise sound card.

the Broadcaster (Elites) that we had worked directly with the Soundstage
audiocard from the same company.
I know for sure that if you have the right Broadcaster/ AD516/Studio16
combination you don't need a cable to connect them, it will simply work (we
have sold a ffew of these combinations in the past, very long time ago). I
think you need a certain version of the Studio 16 card and software
(probably just the latest versions) to make things work but I'm not entirely
sure about that. Maybe it does not work if you have the latest Elite board
and the Studio 16, because the latest Elite (+ software) is really meant to
be used with the Soundstage card. We don't have experience with other
Sunrize cards (like the cheaper 12-bit version).

All documentation that we received is from pre-web times (scattered on
faxes, technical manuals etc.) and we probably don't have much of it left.
The only thing that we may have somewhere is the lastest version of the
Elite software. Apart from that, the Elite is really difficult to set up,
it's very specific about all kind of issues in the Amiga (like cpu board,
Zorro3 slots, video harddrives etc.).

your best bet would be trying to find the developers from Applied Magic
(especially a guy named Eric), but as the company went out of business that
will be difficult.
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