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Old 10 January 2022, 18:11   #12
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Originally Posted by indigolemon View Post
The issue here is that you are the only one having these issues with 3.2. No one else has reported these kinds of problem with the OS.

I dunno, maybe these issues simply didn't happen back when I didn't work for CBM.

Anyway, I hate to point this out, but there is another common denominator in all these cases ....
Odd, you stop by and throw an insult at me but don't bother to mention anything I actually said.

So tell you what mr. expert. Explain 4 different systems using different configurations, all exhibited identical behavior on ONE OS, which happens to be 3.2, kickstart AND OS.

Of course it could never be possible that I stumbled across a bug that occurs with a combination of things, perhaps the revisions of either or some step that is happening in the install process, i.e. which I CLEARLY identified and said I can REPRO 100% OF THE TIME.

But no, you use a snide remark to throw an insult at me. I don't know maybe you don't like the way I type, but whatever it is, if you don't actually care to help figure it out, than don't bother to post just to throw an insult at someone.

And unless someone can explain how it is IMPOSSIBLE for a bug to have been found in KS 3.2 OR WB 3.2 libraries OR a combination of both, then I will continue to troubleshoot it until confirmation of the cause of these issues can be had.

I was trained well and one thing I learned. When you can reproduce a bug 100% taking the same steps, well guess what? most likely cause is the items used in the process of reproduction. In this case, and as I ALREADY SAID after a LOT of work, I can reproduce this 100% once I start adding OTHER FILE SYSTEM TYPES for other hardware.

It acts like it is somehow reading the wrong file system originally used UNTIL YOU REMOVE that new filesystem library.

Now I don't know about you, but if you have two files, one say fastfilesystem and a second say fast95 file system and when you add the second and the problems show up but when you remove it the problems go away, EITHER I have 4 major defective A2000 systems here OR I have stumbled across a bug in the KS OR OS 3.2 or both combined under certain circumstances.

Instead of offering suggestions and ideas of how to better confirm this, you just jump in and throw an insult. Instead of maybe trying to reproduce this and help, you jump in and throw an insult. Instead of maybe considering it could be a new bug found by accident or through a means I am using to do this, you throw an insult.

Back when I started this chain, I gave my background with CBM Amiga as a means to say I am not a newbie and am playing catchup so I had some questions. But now, apparently, some want to use that as some form of insult for whatever reason.

You don't see me running around insulting those people, do you? In fact, some of them have actually offer helpful things to me already that I did not know had changed or was trying to re-learn. I actually WAS trained in both the Amiga systems AND component level repair and troubleshooting. Most people are not and are hobbyists learning as they go.

That's what used to make the community great but I am starting to see a whole new side where some seem to think they are the ultimate experts bar none and anyone like me that questions things, is just a threat to their ultimate expert status apparently. I have NEVER said I was such a thing, only explained my background so others would know I am not a newbie or simple hobbyist, rather I do have some actual knowledge.

What frustrates me is how some replying, completely ignore the facts as I have posted multiple times.

1) 4 systems, identically reproduced on all 4 using various hardware, the ONLY common factor is KS 3.2 and OS 3.2 TOGETHER. It does not appear to happen when any other OS revision is used.
2) It is clearly not hardware related in terms of SCIS OR IDE drives because it happens on both on different mainboard revisions.
3) I can move the same exact hardware from one unit to the next, and the problem repro's 100% with a CLEAN install of the OS.
4) I have spent weeks now testing back and forth, trying everything people suggested, and asking questions in many places, not just here. (ironically others actually do come up with ideas and suggestions that we then try)

5) I am tired of people defending OS and KS 3.2 as if it is some kind of GOD of OS's and could never be the problem ever. Which of course is ridiculous or there would not be updates being put out apparently.

You want to help with ideas and suggestions, by all means. But don't think I am going to shrink back into a little violet when someone comes at me and when some repeat the same damn thing over and over and over because they think anything else could not be even possible or conceivable.

No one here is an expert on anything above anyone else. Everyone has ideas, experiences and even training in the area. And some of those, I have called out myself because they are utterly ridiculous on the face.

You want to throw more insults, it will get us no where as usual. You want to help, then read what I wrote clearly in many posts about the symptoms, the changes when I made a change, the new updates I have made and offer some suggestions next time.
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