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Old 24 December 2021, 15:13   #60
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Join Date: Apr 2020
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Originally Posted by Vyncynt View Post
Feature requests or possible bugs:

1. Please add a minimize button to the main window.

2. On initial run or after clicking "Reset Filter", the title bar shows "Showing 4551 of 4552". Is it off by 1?

3. When clicking the "Load Data" button, the ftp.log file is not created.

4. Is it possible to create a list based on active filters in the main window? When I try, it always resets the filters first. For example, if I filter languages to English only, it drops the total showing to 3949. If I tried to do that manually in the Edit List window, I would have to manually uncheck over 500 entries.
1. Added to next version
2. I can't reproduce the error. Have you tried deleting the dats folder and letting it redownload the dat files.
3. Added to next version.
4. It's quite hard to mix lists and the filter as if you add say add an AGA game to a list and the the filter is set to filtered out all the AGA games, when the file list is redrawn, it will filter it back out. The way around it is to use the filters to make a base set of games from the full set, save it as a list and then reload the list. This will give you the reduced amount of games to edit. I spent three days trying to get lists and filters to work together without any real success. I will have another go in the new year. Next job is to port it to Linux and Raspberry Pi.
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