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Old 21 December 2021, 15:47   #29
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Originally Posted by PortuguesePilot View Post
I was absolutely unaware of this, though it does make sense. Kudos on the work, to whomever did it, 'cos it must have been quite fastidious. If the source code in 68K ASM is, indeed, available then it's A LOT easier to build an Amiga-specific version. Still a hard task, though, since we'd have to circumvent the hardware-specific aspects of the code (in other words, ditch the MD VDP specific usage and adapt it to OCS, so a lot of trial and error should be expected). As I have stated above, the backdrops seem undoable on an OCS Amiga (maybe they can be done on AGA but not sure), though games like Elfmania and Mr. Nuts - Hoppin' Mad prove that in the hands of a gifted coder and of an apt graphic designer, the tired old OCS can still pack a punch or two.

Even so, I'm still quite sceptic about a proper Amiga version of Sonic the Hedgehog. I just don't see the current Amiga community pulling this off like the C64 one did.
Kid Chaos more than proves a decent attempt could be tried on ocs.

There will be compromises, but crucially, nothing that should affect gameplay.

But you're right, its a big endeavour, and its a big task for anyone to contemplate.
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