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Old 06 December 2021, 11:16   #1
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Dual playfield mode and the racing game engine

If you look at early 3D racing games, like on PS1 or Saturn rally games, you notice it has a more cinematic look due to a dual layer display where the road and cars are on the foreground layer and the background layer is just that, a panning [and sometimes zooming/perspective shifted] background image of some mountains.

I was wondering if you could still get the speed of Lotus II engine using dual playfield mode with 6 bitplanes being required?

I read the absolute maximum DMA exclusive (ie CPU blocking) chipset bandwidth was 7mb/s which is a lot considering a 16 colour screen is 32k of data BUT I need some technical assistance at the 'ideas stage'. I suspect this mode would prevent you achieving Lotus II levels of framerate even with Shaun Southern levels of genius because of the extra 2 bitplanes in play but I am no expert, I've forgotten waaaayyyy to much thanks to the stress of potentially being killed every time I go to the shops to do food shopping!

Any help appreciated
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