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Old 15 June 2004, 08:53   #1
Gary Harrison
Posts: n/a
A2091 Stopped working

Hi everyone, hope someone can help with this problem!

My previously working A2000HD (B2000-CR Rev 6.2) with A2091 (Quantum 30Mb ? and 2Mb RAM, KS1.3) refuses to boot up after not being used for several months.

The screen flashes red/light red, and that's all.

I removed the A2091 and put it into another (working) A2000 (B2000-CR Rev 4.4 with 2 x Floppies), and the screen stays a dull white colour on power-on without booting.

I can hear the hard-drive spinning up, though.

Out of interest, I tried the original A2000HD and it won't start up with the A2091 removed either (screen stays dull white).

Although I bought a A1000 and A1200 from new, I've had no prior experience with these A2000HD's.

Any ideas how to diagnose this?

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