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Old 04 November 2021, 04:28   #381
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I also have a couple words to say, following Erik's response. I think this recent event is really unfortunate and the worst part is we don't have many options on how to deal with it. So I'd love to know how you guys feel about this and what do you think would be the best course of action for us in regards to this project.

Here's a list of of issues:

1) First off in regards to the backers and a possible compensation: as mentioned in this response here, held up almost the entire amount gathered from the presales, so with the shop gone it seems there is no way for people to realistically reclaim their money. What we're thinking with Erik is to -at least- try and see if we can fund ourselves a portion of these returns, mostly based on the amount we took during early presales. There are several problems though:
a) The amount is extremely small, so not even a fraction of the backers can be fully compensated.
b) based on the above there's the question of who to compensate and how much.
c) The actual list of backers is gone (with Bitronic's database) and the only thing we've got is a list of order numbers. Now we can f.e. make sure someone is a backer cross-refferencing his order number, but since we don't have actual names and mails it's only for people coming forward on their own.

2) In regards to the game itself, as Erik mentioned we had no intention of abandoning it. So if it would get finisehd, that would also might be some sort of compensation, at least for those who backed the digital version. Problem here though is that we still don't have the backers list data, so no way of knowing to whom we can send the game to (though this is the least of our problems currently). Another issue is that I personally feel quite depressed and burned out by this whole ordeal and while I'm still excited about the game itself (there is actually more work done in the last few months than in the couple last years) I don't know if I can continue -in good faith- pushing this project with the public. Certainly not after this whole fiasko.

3) Another thing that's on my mind and closely related to the above is how to communicate all this. The site info about the game is definitely obsolete, we've got old videos in the channel about the game which are equally obsolete (and I'd loath to see them stay) and then there is the clear cancelation of the presales deal. Should we make some big announcement about all of these? Just let this fizzle out? What do you guys think?
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