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Old 24 October 2021, 01:49   #1527
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Join Date: Sep 2017
Location: Uppsala
Posts: 105
Just a few suggestions. I've been meaning to post these for a while but for some reasons I've never gotten around to it. And I've looked through the backlog here to see if they've been mentioned before, but couldn't find anything (may have missed it though) so here goes.

Not bugs per say but minor things that would be great for me and hopefully others.

1. The find utility.I for one would love the ability to save the search-result into a textfile or csv-file.
2. Textedit. Great tiny editor, but I would love to have a "Recent files" menu entry so it's easier to just jump to the last one(s) you used.
3. The new iconify-to-app gadget in windows. I understand why it's not present on stuff written prior to 3.2. Or at least I think I understand why...however, why is it not present on ordinary wb-windows? That is, why can't I iconfify a window for say dh1:docs/pictures?
4. Wish: To incorporate the feature of WarpWB right into the OS. That is, an option to automatically close the parent window when you open a drawer. It is already possible to do if you keep the right amiga-key pressed when you double-click the drawer. It would just be a nice to set globally to not having to remember to do so constantly to keep the desktop uncluttered. Kinda goes together with 3 really.

Hope I make myself clear!
Swe_Kryten2x4b is offline  
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