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Old 21 October 2021, 12:42   #247
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Scroller "working" with joystick input. I'm using an XBOX 360 controller (USB) and it seems very responsive.

(video demonstrating joystick input w/scroll)

Quick changes of direction seem to leave unblitted blocks. That's because I don't "finish" blitting unblitted blocks when switching directions (yet). Scrolling up and right leaves a trail of diagonal (unblitted) blocks from the top right corner.

I'm concerned that scrolling just a pixel in either or both directions per frame might seem slow. Seems like MAME runs Black Tiger a bit faster and scrolling one pixel is "faster," if that makes sense. But you can't go faster than the video refresh rate for frame rate. I can modify the code to scroll "faster" by implementing a scroll velocity--but 2 pixels per frame might seem excessive. I'd have to use a frame counter and scroll 3 pixels every two frames or something, which might seem too jerky.

Otherwise, things are working pretty well.

Guess the next step is to sort the "unblitted blocks" when switching direction and then... maybe the real fun begins
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