Thread: Amiga Report
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Old 19 October 2021, 07:20   #18
WhatIFF? Amiga Magazine
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Korodny, thank you for the input and suggestion, I will have a look at Markdown, another thing to add to my list . It is a good question, why do we need another magazine? I think the first point would be that Amiga Report is a free magazine, it is not printed, and readers do not have to pay for it. In this regard there is much more flexibility in the format and content that can be put in. Amiga Addict and Amiga Future have bills to pay and this means that they have to limit what they can write. Secondly if you have a look at Amiga Addict and Amiga Future, they do feature some articles that are serious but the majority of the articles are game related. This is understandable because the Amiga was known for the gaming in Europe. Amiga Future is a bit more technical, however I would suggest reading Amiga World or Amazing Amiga, just to have a look at the articles they wrote. The magazines in the States were more technical because the Amiga was more of a productive machine, as you already know then Amiga was used a lot for video production in the States, less so than Europe. The percentage of big box Amigas used in the States is higher than Europe. To be more specific, I think it would interesting, and this is only my opinion, to have articles about how to use Amiga software such as Image FX, Final Writer, DigiPaint, and Video Toaster. Maybe these articles are antiquated, but I believe that there are people who perhaps had used the software back in the day, want to get back into but cannot remember the basics, myself included. The nice thing about the original Amiga Report format, was that you could print each article easily, just click on the relevant link and print. There are no graphics or ads like on a webpage which makes for a clean print.

Having lived in the States during the heyday of the Amiga, I really enjoyed the US magazine styles of Amiga World and Amazing Amiga. Amiga Report continued that in a way, and it is something that I think is needed. Now this is just my humble opinion, if I get the go ahead from Jason, I will continue the free format which will give it more flexibility. There is much more that I could write for the reasons to have a new magazine but I hope I could enunciate clearly enough my belief in the validity of the rebirth of Amiga Report
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