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Old 17 October 2021, 23:58   #353
Commodore Collector
Join Date: Aug 2001
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Age: 53
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I am not talking about loading applications or games from disk - this was no problem, I put in the disk, and it loaded.

The big problem was when you wanted to do some basic OS/DOS operations on a 'work disk', which was not the Workbench disk.
Even if you just wanted to list a disk's content, you first needed to wait for the Workbench disk to load.
(please don't tell me again that it is possible to make an 8 sec. boot WB disk - I did not have such a disk and Commodore did not include one, and also gave no instructions how to make one)

Then, after it had finally loaded, and you put your disk WORK: in the drive and type 'DIR WORK:' to just simply list the files on the disk.
Guess what Amigados will do? Will it list the disk's content?
No, it will request to put the Workbench disk in the drive, again, then after some seconds it will want the WORK: disk in the drive, and only THEN it will list the disk's file (and, btw. it will take ages to list all the files, wheras on the C64 I get my directory listing in some seconds.....)

Ok, now when I want to continue to rename a file on my WORK: disk. gues what will happen?
Correct, play diskjockey again, swap the Workbanch disk for the WORK: disk so that great Amigados can load the rename command, then again swap it for the WORK: disk so that it can rename the file on the work disk.

Why on earth were such basic operations not included in the 'so fantastic kickrom OS' ?!
Amigados it is for sure an advanced system compared to the C64, no doubt, but did any of the developers ever think about useability?!

The C64 and 1541 diskdrive (which together represent a system of computer & disk drive, like the Amiga 500) is indeed superior if I want to do some basic OS/DOS operations on any disk.
Compareable commands like DIR, DELETE, COPY, FORMAT, ....are available to be used right after turning on the system. No need to wait for a 'system disk' to load, and no need to wait for commands to be loaded. I simply type in the command like LOAD, OPEN, LIST, they are available, and don't have to be loaded from any disk.

So, yes, for me it was quite a disappointment to see that a superior machine like the Amiga took so much more time and hassle for such stupid operations like listing a disks's content.
If you came from the C64 like me, it was just a pain....

Ok, yes, 99% of it seemeed to be available on the Kickrom (or Eprom), but somehow they forgot to make it available at the start of the computer, and also forgot to include the most simple DOS commands....

Last edited by Overdoc; 18 October 2021 at 00:07.
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