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Old 16 October 2021, 13:39   #32
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: UK
Posts: 4,747
I can create a CT RAW of my Garrison I Disk 2 dump and use an ADF of Garrison II Disk 1 to load it, but can't do that the other way around as the CT RAW of Garrison II Disk 2 just fails the protection check but WHDLoad install it just fine! I also created a Garrison 2 CT RAW of Disk 2 by using the protection track of Garrison I but that also failed to load so I guess Garrison II has a slightly different protection track and has issues as a CT RAW or my protection track is bad or it dumped incorrectly?

Both my Disk 1's are index aligned in HxC and appear unmodified, Garrison I shows all highscores as 10000 so that appears unmodified, WHDLoad of my Garrison II also shows 10000 and additionally ABC DEF GHI JKL MNO for positions 1 to 5, whether that's hard coded into WHDLoad I don't know but if not that also appears unmodified!

*UPDATE* It's not the protection track that's bad on my Garrison II Disk 2 it seems tracks 2 & 3 are at fault (1.0 / 1.1)!! If I take streams created from the official IPF using HxC and create a new CT RAW using those 2 tracks then the game loads and shows the same highscores as my WHDLoad install, unless track 1.0 is used to store highscores?

If either track 1.0 or track 1.1 from my original is used to create a CT RAW then the game won't load!

I've also sent my dumps to Denis for checking!!

Last edited by BarryB; 16 October 2021 at 14:31.
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