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Old 12 October 2021, 11:12   #22
Thomas Richter
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P96 is a software interface for RTG hardware, how the hardware operates does not matter provided there is a driver for it. P96 supports chunky and planar layouts. It's specifications are stable since a very long time, dating back to times where Amiga had still some market penetration, and it manages a variety of hardware solutions.

SAGA is a proprietary hardware/register interface that does not follow any existing solutions. That does not exclude that P96 may drive it if a driver exists, of course. It is an interface on a much lower level, and with a much smaller target.

IOWs, by using the software interface layer like P96, you have a wider platform as the software will then work on any existing RTG hardware, though the interface is necessarily the common denominator of several hardware solutions. With SAGA, you solely depend on the will of its creator - who has shown that he doesn't care about existing specs like AutoConf, the F-BootRom or the MMU.
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