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Old 27 September 2021, 14:38   #3
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Originally Posted by dlfrsilver View Post
HFE v3 is not needed for those games, simply because they are AmigaDOS and using files. standard HFE or ADF are fine.
I shouldn't bother playing from original in such circumstances then ? What if I actually like it a lot when a game asks me to enter a manual password ? Joke aside, I am supposed to test every available version so yup, that includes the IPF(s) version(s) when one exists, am I not ? Concerning HFE v3 vs HFE v1 debate, one could argue that he who can do more can do less, but fair enough, I converted HOTL set of IPF's to HFE v1 format and tried again.

The problem lies elsewhere.
It lies in that strange habit which consists in firing up WinUAE to asses compatibility with the real thing maybe .

Are you sure the ADF are fine ?
You mean, like someone should take my hand to download stuff from the file server, unzip it, copy it over to a USB flash drive and press the buttons of my Gotek to load said ADF or HFE ? Anyway, I doubt you will bother checking if it computes or not, but here are the CRC32 of :
Dragons of Flame v1.0 (1989)(SSI)[cr Empire].adf 056DCCA9
Dragons of Flame v1.0 (1989)(SSI)[cr PNA].adf 56F2C547
Dragons of Flame v1.0 (1989)(SSI)[cr].adf B91A5703
DragonsOfFlame_ipf.hfe 7F9CD863
Heroes of the Lance v1.0 (1988)(SSI)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr Ackerlight].adf 86BA4608
Heroes of the Lance v1.0 (1988)(SSI)(Disk 1 of 2)[cr][h AHU].adf F91F34DD
HeroesOfTheLance_Disk1_ipf.hfe 60A0225B
which crack version do you use ?
There aren't heaps of cracked versions of any of these games, plz see above. To sum up my results, HOTL won't load no matter what, while Dragons Of Flame belongs to the list of games that crash with 1 MB chip, interestingly enough. Hence, it is another case of "floppy game that has (yet to be) been fixed to work with 1MB chip instead of slow RAM"
Will post there subsequently. Back to my failed attempts at loading HOTL from my machine : Ackerlight version goes black screen, anonymously cracked version (the one modified by AHU) gurus, and HFE v1 version goes black screen. That happens with 1 MB chip AND with 0.5 MB chip (it's just a matter of flipping a metal switch located at the back of my machine before rebooting). And before you suggest to use a 1.2 KS, it's not an option actually, Agnus is not the default one. Most likely, it has been replaced by the seller to support 1 MB directly on the chip. In terms of compatibility, amounts to a customized A500+ of sorts if you wish. As a matter of fact, I could only choose between 1.3 and 3.1 KS if I had to (again, by using a metal switch, yup, I am the proud owner of a pretty versatile miggy).

Last edited by SquawkBox; 27 September 2021 at 16:20.
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