Thread: AGA or RTG
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Old 17 September 2021, 20:40   #77
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Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
Here is an egg, you can put it on your face.
Oh dear, you're a special one...

Not only does iComp have a detailed page, a forum that's monitored and questions answered, but when I asked about it with my last order all questions were answered within hours, detailed explanation provided, some additional timeline challenges explained and assurance that the aim is to deliver on quality for the project.
So, where has this wonder product been demonstrated? Have any public testers shown what it can do?

Anyway, let's compare like with like before jumping to your own remarkable conclusions, shall we? The information regarding the Warp that was available was already shared in many public forums, and was repeatedly pointed out to you. Yet you kept on hassling and complaining. Try asking the same question again every couple of weeks and see if you still get the same response. And don't forget, IComp is Jens' full-time job, so he has the time to field many questions. The Warp guys have separate, full-time day jobs, so don't have the time to answer questions for which the answers are either already publicly known, or cannot be answered.

Jens is a talented engineer, but doesn't suffer fools gladly. Start hassling him and complaining about him the same way as you do the Warp guys and you won't be long seeing the communications dry up.

So, with that in mind, you'll see I'm actually still far closer to the mark than you realise, whether you like it or not.

While this certainly doesn't change things and make things arrive quicker, it shows the open and honest communication, instead of just going silent and ignoring those who try to support your work and projects.
See above.

I would say to you that you should not compare iComp to anyone, because my experience has been incredible with the product, service, support, etc. They stand alone, without doubt.
Again, see above. Comparisons such as yours are totally pointless and invalid because of the significant differences between the operations, and your clear bias by not subjecting them both to the same conditions.

What all others should strive for is to deliver that level of transparency and communication to the community. Certainly those WAPR1260 boys don't even come close. And they had a moment where I was hot for the product and willing to give them my money, but that moment has long long passed. And with that time passing a realization that 68060 is quite unnecessary to enjoy the Amiga.
I thought you didn't care about the Warp accelerator any more? It seems that it's secretly eating away at you that you don't have one, when it's the precise solution you want. So, tell me all about your hobbies then. Why aren't you working harder on them? I really like what you're doing, but your lack of communication is ruining them for me, and I think you're just wasting your time with them.

Originally Posted by YouKnowWho View Post
Of course Edu works closely with Stephen on various projects, so who knows?
Many people work closely with Stephen...

I have a Checkmate A1500 as well, and would certainly put in a Zorro slot for an RTG card in there, no doubt. There is room to spare for an interconnected in the A1500, but the Zorro and accelerator would have to be installed before being put in the A1500.
That depends on the accelerator. Full length accelerators already need to be fitted to the motherboard to fit in the case, so there is most certainly not room for any sort of Zorro adaptor. You'll need a shorter accelerator to do that.
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