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Old 15 September 2021, 23:08   #40
Photon's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: Eksjö / Sweden
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This wall of code replaces the code in OP. It's tested in WinUAE on A1200-060 3.1, stock A1200 3.1, A500 3.1 and A500 1.3, and on real A500-ACAPlus-3.1 and A500 1.3.

The code can be run from assembler/CLI/WB as is, but ADF is also attached. If something is resident (such as invoked Early Boot menu, accelerator stuff, or virus), it will report a red color else green, and then wait for LMB=Soft Reset or RMB=Hard Reset. If RMB, it must report green on next bootblock run, or report green on next run from assembler/CLI/WB as long as nothing installs itself resident in s-seq before.

I'm looking for feedback on reliability before I commit. (Edit: Please see the ;** and must be comments.) Cheers.


INTENA	=$dff09a
DMACON	=$dff096
COLOR00	=$dff180

ABSEXECBASE	=4			;Pointer to the Exec library base
MAGIC_ROMEND	=$01000000		;End of Kickstart ROM
MAGIC_SIZEOFFS	=-$14			;Offs from endROM to KS size
V36_EXEC	=36			;Exec with the ColdReboot() function
TEMP_ColdReboot	=-726
LIB_VERSION	=20			;offset in Exec
_LVOSupervisor	=-$1e

	JUMPPTR BootCode		;for assemblers with this function

BOOT:	dc.b "DOS",0
	dc.l 0,880

	move.l 4.w,a6
	move.l #BootCodeE-BootStart,d7

    *--- alloc ---*

	move.l d7,d0			;size
	moveq #2,d1			;chip
	jsr -198(a6)			;AllocMem()
	move.l d0,a1

    *--- copy ---*

	move.l a1,a2
	lea BootStart(PC),a0
.copyl:	move.b (a0)+,(a1)+
	subq.l #1,d7
	bne.s .copyl
	jmp (a2)			;jump into chipmem

********************  BOOT START  ********************

BootStart:				;a6=Execbase
	move.w #$272,d1
	or.l $2e(a6),d0
	or.l $22a(a6),d0
	beq.s .novirus
	move.w #$822,d1
	move.w d1,COLOR00		;signify presence

	btst #6,$bfe001			;no symbols for these, geddoudaheere...
	beq.s SoftReset			;LMB:Soft Reset
	btst #2,$dff016			;RMB:Hard Reset
	bne.s BootStart			;*magic hand gesture* there is no boot


    *--- disable ints and dma ---*

	move.w #$4000,INTENA		;disable ints to avoid interference
	move.w #$0580,DMACON		;and some DMA to avoid delayed prefetch
	clr.w COLOR00			;cosmetic (avoid random bg color)

    *--- clr coldcapture, set other two+nuke chkbase(+lowmemchksum?) ---*

	clr.l ColdCapture(a6)		;must be 0
	st CoolCapture+3(a6)		;must not be 0
	st WarmCapture+3(a6)		;must not be 0
	not.l ChkBase(a6)		;must be not correct (clr is unsafe)

    *--- normal reset but rebuild Exec ---*

	lea.l GoHard(pc),a5		;<KS20 supervisor address
	bra.s _ElbowTemperatureReboot	;** really allow Exec to do it?

	lea.l GoAway(pc),a5		;<KS20 supervisor address

_ElbowTemperatureReboot:			;a5=GoAway or GoHard
;	move.l ABSEXECBASE,a6			;HRM code minus load of a5,a6

	cmp.w #V36_EXEC,LIB_VERSION(a6)
	blt.s .pre20
	jmp TEMP_ColdReboot(a6)			;Let Exec do it...
	;NOTE: Control flow never returns to here

;---- manually reset the Amiga ---------------------------------------------
.pre20:	jsr _LVOSupervisor(a6)			;supervise-jump to code at (a5)
	;NOTE: Control flow never returns to here

;-------------- MagicResetCode ---------DO NOT CHANGE-----------------------
	CNOP 0,4				;IMPORTANT! Longword align!
GoAway:	lea.l MAGIC_ROMEND,a0			;(end of ROM)
	sub.l MAGIC_SIZEOFFS(a0),a0		;(end of ROM)-(ROM size)=PC
	move.l 4(a0),a0				;Get Initial Program Counter
	subq.l #2,a0				;now points to second RESET
	reset					;first RESET instruction
	jmp (a0)				;CPU Prefetch executes this
	;NOTE: the RESET and JMP instructions must share a longword!
;---------------------------------------DO NOT CHANGE-----------------------

;-------------- MagicResetCode ---------DO NOT CHANGE-----------------------
;sorry, this is a changed copy. 4 bytes inserted, OK. see *
	CNOP 0,4				;IMPORTANT! Longword align!
GoHard:	lea.l MAGIC_ROMEND,a0			;(end of ROM)
	sub.l MAGIC_SIZEOFFS(a0),a0		;(end of ROM)-(ROM size)=PC
	move.l 4(a0),a0				;Get Initial Program Counter
	subq.l #2,a0				;now points to second RESET
	st 7.w					*Exec made odd to force rebuild
	reset					;first RESET instruction
	jmp (a0)				;CPU Prefetch executes this
	;NOTE: the RESET and JMP instructions must share a longword!
;---------------------------------------DO NOT CHANGE-----------------------

********************  BOOT END  ********************

	ds.b 1024,0			;filler

Last edited by Photon; 16 September 2021 at 00:53. Reason: see edit
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