Thread: AGA or RTG
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Old 15 September 2021, 03:31   #66
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I used to be in the RTG camp, my A3000 had a Picasso II card and then later I upgraded my A1200 with a Cyber Vision card. My main use was for doing graphics and music, however I found that the HAM modes were still great for viewing my raytraced graphics and when doing 2D graphics I found Brilliance to be the best and it worked very nicely with the AGA graphics. I don`t spend too much time in Workbench, mostly in Brilliance, Lightwave etc so having a high resolution WB was not much of a deal, while it is nice the kind of apps I were using did not take advantage of the extra colours and resolution. Software like Opal Paint or Image FX could be useful with the RTG graphics but I have to say after having two Amiga`s with graphics cards, I felt that the AGA chipset with and Indivision takes the best advantage of the software that is on the Amiga. Though I used to love reading the articles in Amiga World about the latest graphic cards
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