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Old 10 September 2021, 17:57   #1471
Camilla, AmigaOS Dev.
Join Date: Mar 2020
Location: Frederiksberg
Posts: 329
Originally Posted by kamelito View Post
Sure but as they have the source code of the OS I suppose it can be done but it will slow down the OS so if it ever happens it should be optional, as for patches get rid of them from your system
Steady is an AmigaOS developer too and it is not just about being able to look at the sources. The OS is fundamentally not build for resource tracking. Resources are meant to be passed from one task to another.

Say task A sends a msg to ask B. Then for some reason Task A is killed and all it's memory is freed. But Task B is still using it. and will then bring down the machine.

There are many more cases like this with other structures. It is plainly not possible, A 3rd party hack may get a long way, but for us to put it into the OS would require that we can guarantee that it will not break, and that is not possible as explained above
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