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Old 03 September 2021, 13:17   #11
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Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Caladan
Posts: 33
Hello there;

There may be a bug in this version, because when I select the path of the modules to load (quite a long list, but it worked perfectly even in the old version), it takes a huge time to load (which never happened) and then , a guru meditation.

Tried running Hippo outside Workbench, but same result. This time it loads the list of modules (after a long time) and the module is empty, but the program seems to detect the modules, since it tries to load them, but shows an error every time.

Another problem is the Favorite modules implementation, which does not work. Since always, when you press the right button, you minimize the window, so there is no possible way to mark any module as favorite.
Hope this can be fixed as it is my main reason for updating :-)

Personally, I would feel very comfortable if pressing the right button did not minimize anything and did something more useful for the program.

Another possible features would be:
-Allow the tracker window to be larger, as for tracker musicians like me it would help to see important information :-)
-Right-clicking on a module in the list of modules might be enough to play it, without having to select the module and click Play or Enter.

Thanks for keeping the program updated! It's my best Amiga player!

Last edited by Zoltar3.1; 03 September 2021 at 13:29.
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