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Old 01 September 2021, 23:55   #1047
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Originally Posted by gimbal View Post
Well, at least the 18 I put in were all correct, that's something

Now for my gripe: I am appalled that the Witness was not in this quiz! That's like the gold standard for a puzzle in the game, it's got more than 200 of them.

Or what about Banjo Kazooie/Tooie ? You collect jiggies which are actual puzzle pieces which you then use to complete puzzles so you unlock levels to play...

So yeah, Codebreaker. That one was a doozie. The only permutation of keywords that made a screenshot appear for me was "atari 2600 puzzle game". Singular form. As soon as you pluralize to "games", poof - gone from the search results. I was early on cursing the fact that the screenshot had so little detail to it, just a couple of squares. But that actually made it stand out because I can't actually find an Atari 2600 game with less detail to it than Codebreaker. Just had to find a screenshot with almost nothing in it.

Chromagun was a fun one. I didn't know the game at all but the Portal hint made me google "games like Portal" and hey presto, top search result.

Murder by Numbers I found by complete accident. I was googling every permutation of "puzzle game flying robot" I could think of and zip, nada zilch. I pretty much figured I would never figure out that game. But then I was trying to find what turned out to be Picross and for some reason I started to search for "numbers puzzle video game" even though there are no numbers in that screenshot. And then I saw the flying robot, right at the top of the search results. Go figure.

Did anyone not know Silent Hill but still managed to find out based on that screenshot which does not actually show the game itself? I've played the game a million times so I already recognized it by the font alone, but I felt a little sorry for people who were unfamiliar with the game
And my gripe is that you didn't get Professor Layton - great games, love the puzzles and the weird, wacky and sometimes random story. Played and completed all the DS games - need to play the 3DS game. In fact, was so obsessed with the Curious Village that I actually found all the hint coins and completed all the puzzles for 100% which is unheard of for me as I generally just get to the end of a game and move on.

Thanks Mr H as always and especially for the quick turnaround of the answers.
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