Thread: Target Renegade
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Old 01 September 2021, 15:25   #78
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Originally Posted by Havie View Post
Can I say that I am enjoying the debate immensely and although I was Speccy all the way, getting a CPC is on my list of retromachines. I have a C64 and enjoy playing on it and some games are brilliant (Salamander anyone - less said about the Speccy/CPC versions the better).

Anyway, back on track.

Update 4

Went car booting yesterday and spent most of the day playing with my booty! Spent time thinking about how to sort the y values of the bobs so they overlap correctly and after some helpful comments in the Blitz section had a go at a simple sort. Sort (hahaha) of works but obviously I have something muddled as sometimes list is sorted properly and other times, numbers repeat. Have posted for help and will also muse on it overnight.

Have also added a shadow to your player which grounds the jumps better and hopefully won't add to much to the CPU usage. If it does then I may have to go back to the graphics and fiddle around with the colours so the shadows are in 2 colours and I blit them to just one bitplane (something I have never done but seems simple enough).

I also drew an attack dummy that I plan for you to be able to practice your moves on. I am also using this to sort out my z-ordering routine.

With regards to Amiga specific features: music obviously, Swainy designed an additional level over the ZX version, decent sound effects and as sprites are completely useless for a game with z-ordering (I know you could do lots of clever image swapping but I think this would get complicated quickly) then there may be potential for some subtle and not so subtle parallax. The aforementioned pillar on level 1 (sprites can be any height without speed hit).

New screenshot to wet your appetite: (please note that as I am using WinUAE, the screenshots are in widescreen - looks great at 4:3).
Really cool... so what kind of Amiga would this run on? a500? or AGA?
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