Thread: Target Renegade
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Old 31 August 2021, 08:07   #65
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Originally Posted by x-vision
Why do you use images compressed, full of artifacts and with very different zoom and just a couple of weak enemies to compare both versions? do you think you can cheat to dismiss the poor amstrad resolution? spoiler: NO.
"But it's cheating" says it all about which one you think looks best.
Seriously... "compression artefacts" and maybe a 20% size difference are preventing you from seeing the not at all subtle differences between left & right, really? Anyway, feel free to provide your own side by side comparison if you really want to...

Do you want to play this game with the original Renegade too ?

Or Double Dragon ?

Or Gryzor ?

Dragon Ninja ?

Operation Wolf maybe ?

Or do you really like high res ? Sure, the CPC (on the right hand side here) does that better too (Iron Lord in 320x200 vs 256x192). It even has a native 640x200 mode (no tricks required), but that's monochrome so not as useful.

Originally Posted by x-vision View Post
No, sorry but it is not about a personale taste. He specifically state why it is technically superior
No, he specifically doesn't say that in this interview.
He states "Spectrum is definitely my favourite" (=personal opinion), and then where you might expect him to explain why, it never comes : in fact at no point does he compare one port to the others.

He talks about making a 48K vs 128K Spectrum version, then that he decided to only use 4 colours for CPC sprites and so "the graphics suffered in comparison to the original (CPC) Renegade", NOT in comparison to the Spectrum version (which could only DREAM of even just 4 colour sprites... because they're monochrome and the background still manages to colour-clash )

Originally Posted by x-vision
I don't wanna enter the same old childish discussion about which 8bit platform was better, because I could write a lot of reasons on why the spectrum was the best.
Yeah sure and the Atari STF is the best 16-bit platform too, it has MIDI ports after all.

Originally Posted by x-vision
So I invite you now to know the latest development for spectrum, like the "Velesoft" mode, which allows to use 102 colors and 256x384 resolution on a regular 128K spectrum AT 0 CPU COST, so it can be used for games (not just static screens for demos), just using the 128 second (shadow) screen. No extra hardware required at all.
This is quite cool and I appreciate how they're pushing the limits of the ZX Spectrum. It reminds me of this insane 8088 CGA PC demo [ Show youtube player ].
But the difference between you and me is that I would never try to use that to justify that CGA is better than VGA

Last edited by reno; 31 August 2021 at 08:14.
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