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Old 10 August 2021, 13:06   #9
Italian Amiga Zealot
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Italy
Age: 36
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Yes. Finally.

The C64 and C64 Mini were the best thing ever to happen to the C64 market - you can finally find again C64s for decent prices since the masses all flocked to the modern reproductions and left the original units alone, with all their issues and maintenance requirements.

I hope the same will happen with the nowadays oversaturated Amiga market. I know of a lot of people that bought a 500/1200, put a Gotek in it, played a few games then put it in the cupboard and it has been there since.

The same happened with the CD32 frenzy - everyone bought one since it was finally easy to "mod" one to play games on it then forgot about it after a few weeks.

These people just want to scratch an itch for nostalgia and then go back to their usual (non-retro focused ) lives. Or even worse, they just want to put one for show on a shelf *shudder*. But then there is one less Amiga on the market for people that would REALLY love to tinker with them, use them everyday and so on. And thus the prices rose.

I rotate between my Amigas and try to use them all for different things (and on different TVs) - can't really understand people stocking on Amigas just to leave them rotting in a cupboard somewhere...

I hope this will be a success - they will most certainly release a full-size A500 if so, which should help "free" many more Amigas from cupboards and such
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