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Old 01 August 2021, 21:57   #11
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Originally Posted by eXeler0 View Post
Just saw a documentary about MTV (which just so happens to coincide with the 40th anniversary of the birth of MTV.. )
Besides making me feel old , it also made me reflect the similarities between Amiga and MTV.
I tend to see the Amiga as the solution that existed in the 80s, but as things changed the Amiga lost its niche/edge and faded away.. Something similar happened to MTV and it's peak roughly coincided with the good Amiga years.
Much like Amiga revolutionized the home computer scene, MTV revolutionized how people listened to music, discovered new artists etc.. (The whole video killed the radio star -thing..)
When people today ask "how would you design a new Amiga" its not too dissimilar to ask how would you launch a new TV channel that only shows music videos.. In this day and age, kids watch youtube videos of their fav artists on their phones... A new TV channel doesn't even compute, right?

Another thing I thought about is that there must be a whole bunch of Amiga fans that are also the "MTV generation"..
What are *your* memories and reflections of these two parallel things going on in our lives back in the day.
My reflection is that another parallel thing to Amiga is Guns N' Roses. Formed in California in 1985, most popular product released in 1987, last original product released in 1994.
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