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Old 13 July 2021, 12:16   #242
Join Date: Sep 2011
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Originally Posted by dreadnought View Post
Sigh... I do like to point out myself that C64 had some serious flaws (eg colour palette, BASIC) - like all the other micros - but overall it was the best choice at the time. Which is the reason it sold as much as it did. VIC was no slouch either, first computer ever to sell more than 1 mil units.
At last, someone else acknowledges that the C64 colour palette (at least in PAL) was (is) BAD! As for the BASIC, I have little experience of the C64 dialect, but I did hear that it was filled with PEEK and POKE statements to achieve anything beyond rudimentary. But then again, the Atari 800XL (the machine I had as a child) was just as bad, but there were alternatives to Atari BASIC available that were a lot more versatile, faster and could even be compiled.
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