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Old 16 June 2021, 13:46   #1
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P96/WHD Load issue

My set up:

Amiga 500+
GBA PII++ graphics card
Indivision ECS V2
In a checkmate case powered by ATX power supply (I'm using an older PSU with 5v as primary)

OS3.2 installed but using a 3.1.4 ROM
P96 v3 from Icomp
8gb CF hard drive split into 3 partitions, all formatted with SFS, block size 4096, Max transfer 0X1FE00

When running in an RTG screen mode I'm noticing a lot of WHD Load games are crashing with either Exception: Illegal Instruction or 'data/disk-files are damaged or unsupported' errors.

For example, Turrican will load Rainbow Arts screen and play the 'welcome to Turrican' sound, display the second title screen then crash with various Illegal Instruction errors.

Turrican II will not load at all, giving the 'data/disk files are damaged or unsupported' error.

If I switch the screen mode to native Hi Res (through the indivision), 16 colours, both of these games will run OK (although I have still had Turrican crash once even in this mode). However, if I switch to Hi Res 8 or 4 colours, I still get the crashes.

This problem isn't exclusive to just these two games, others have crashed with the same messages. However, a lot of other games will run just fine when launched from workbench in RTG.

I have tried playing around with all sorts of combinations of tool types (MMU, Cache, etc.) but none of them seem to make any difference.

I'm using the most up to date WHD Load and versions of the slaves. Any help/pointers much appreciated, it's driving me crazy
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