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Old 15 June 2021, 23:02   #1
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The (Super) Fat Agnus situation


This is an old story, but it still doesn't have a happy ending.

Many have talked about the Agnus problem. Short recap:
While old OCS Agnus is plentiful and not really desirable there a lots of them out there.. But then we have the newer variants ands 8372/8372A are, while obtainable, already hitting pretty painful prices. Similar situation for 8375..
But then we get into "unobtanium" territory.. Agnus 8372AB and 8372B.

(Please tell me when you last saw a 8372B for sale, anywhere on planet Earth. ;-) )

**First question / Problem.. If any of the several "Work in Progress" FPGA drop- in Agnus replacement projects materialize, how exactly will this be solved considering the numerous Agnus versions out there?

**Second problem.. The fabled Rejuvinator (for the A1000) reverse engineering projects seems like its going to be an exact clone of the original (at least initially) which would probably mean that it will require the unobtainable 8372B to work. So without the Agnus, all that hard work they've put into the reverse engineering will be... maybe not for nothing.. but almost..

**Third thing.. Can we write down the FPGA Agnus projects that are not yet dead. Jens S fairly recently said he hasn't abandoned the thought yet.
ReneeC has something on Github, but given the Buffee project, Agnus is likely not a priority.
StephenL seemed to have a nice thing going on but that one was AFAIK abandoned.
I know at least one more, but it might be unofficial so I wont mention it.

**Fourth thing.. Any other possibilities? Some crazy custom board + raspberry pi zero hack instead of FPGA or CPLD?

It would be nice to gather the current state of Agnus replacement projects as well as other reflections about this issue in one thread..

Thanx and Cheers
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