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Old 05 June 2021, 23:35   #4
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Originally Posted by PortuguesePilot View Post
It's a bad game indeed. Although the concept is sound (Capoeira is a Brazilian martial art that mixes music, dancing, athleticism, fighting techniques and bonding values) and Barravento is probably the ONLY game in the world that bases itself on Capoeira alone. (You have Eddy Gordo in the Tekken universe that uses an over-the-top version of Capoeira, and a couple of other characters, but that's about it).

The implementation is bad. Jerky scrolling, bad animations, very poor collision detection, almost no special moves or differentiation between characters and an overall sense that you're doing nothing except waggling the joystick and hitting the fire button. There's no criteria. There's no strategy. Basically, there's no gameplay.

The animation is, as we said, poor and they do look like they are mounted on an overboard on top of jelly, but the way they move side to side and wave their arms is actually typical of real Capoeira. Just watch some YouTube videos on it.

As a side note: In Brazil they speak a slightly different but 100% mutually intelligible version of Portuguese called Brazilian Portuguese. It's roughly the same difference as US English has to UK English and even less different than South American Spanish languages are to the European Castillian that birthed them. The same way that you don't say Americans speak "American", or Mexicans speak "Mexican", you shouldn't say that Brazilians speak "Brazilian" because there's no such language. They Speak Portuguese. Or, if you want to get technical, they speak Brazilian Portuguese.

Wow that's some serious info and interesting to read, for Amiga standards I think it's safe to say it has fallen WAAAAAY short, dare we say could pass for a Tiertex game?!

It really is terrible I think we can all agree on, no actually terrible is too kind, it's just plopville
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