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Old 28 May 2021, 23:45   #58
FS-UAE Developer
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Join Date: Dec 2011
Location: Førde, Norway
Age: 43
Posts: 4,043
Yesterday, I pushed out some new builds (minor changes only).

* Fixed screenshot function (Mod+S).
* Disabled some non-working shortcuts.

For FS-UAE Launcher:
* Make sure initial window position is not stored as 0, 0.
* Allow overriding kickstart ROM file again.
* Ask to "upgrade" (install) FS-UAE / QEMU-UAE / CAPSImg if not installed.
* Start/redirect to newer Launcher, if it exists, from plugin dir.
* Remember splitter position also when collapsed.

So, with this update, the restricting about having to put the Launcher in a specific directory to make updates work is effectively lifted. If you try to run the "old" version after an update has been installed - the update will still be installed into (...)/FS-UAE/System/FS-UAE-Launcher - the installed updated will be started instead.

Also, there is no longer a need to download a full suite of programs/plugins, just the Launcher alone is enough, since it will prompt you to install the missing bits (I will probably expand a bit more on this functionality later, for example prompt the user to allow installation of CAPSImg when needed)

P.S.: Native builds for M1 might appear soon.
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