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Old 26 May 2021, 00:02   #1
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The Amiga 1000 Chip RAM situation in 2021+

The amount of Amigas I have in my house is counted in double digits but only recently did I manage to get hold of a long sought after A1000.

There are some nice solutions for FastRAM out there and also full accelerators like the "Classic 520" which can be preloaded with kickstart etc.. Also, as mentioned in another thread, PiStorm on the A1000 is also a thing..
Ive seen people use an ACA500+ but Inividual Comp seems to advise against it.
So.. then what about the chip RAM situation. Fortunately, my machine has the 256k in the front.. But going beyond 512k chipram in A1000 used to be problematic.. from day 1. I'm only finding old info about stuff like the rejuvenator board, Phoenix board.. stuff that's just stupid rare etc..

But hey its 2021 now, and I'm trying to read up on what out there for the original Amiga. (Are there any Agnus adapter boards and other hacks that turn fastram into chipram (Like the ACA500+ does if you have the right Agnus))

If someone could suggest a few interesting products or projects (if they exist) that would be great.
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