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Old 22 May 2021, 00:40   #293
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Originally Posted by bubbob42 View Post
There's one last thing, though, which I'd like to share from a developer's perspective: OS3.1.4 had been torrented within minutes after release. Nevertheless, it sold a lot better than I would have ever expected. So maybe some people's attitudes, resources or whatever did change a bit since the time when we swapped games in school every day.
I purchased 3.1.4 and already ordered 3.2 (plus roms)...

I did wear the eyepatch a lot back in the 80's/90's, but... as a kid, you simply don't have the funds and your moral compass might be a bit less mature. Now that I'm a lot more financially secure, I try to dump more money back into things to support the content creators as best as I can.

I will not admit that I did or did not grab the torrent for the 3.1.4 release (after I'd already purchased it), because I might have wanted to get the A1200/020 ROMs for WinUAE only. Please forgive me for something I'm not admitting to, but I could have felt like the charge was excessive once I'd already purchased 3.1.4. Maybe this was an issue with Hyperion's original sales model, more than how the devs would have chosen to release everything.

Kudos to the team for including *ALL* the 3.2 ROMs on the single CD, meaning I only had to buy the two A2000 physical ROMs, and then I can still freely choose what I want to use in my emulation environments (pc, pi, etc).

Oddball 'licensing' question, based on this whole frame of thinking - Because I have purchased two ROM chips for my two physical big box A2000's, but only one CD, does that mean I'm only licensed to install the OS portion on one device? What is the spirit of the license? Do the devs/Hyperion get a portion of the sale for the ROM chips themselves, or are these simply burned by the Distributor/Vendor as a small side income? Should I have bought 3 copies of the CD? I don't want to be a CD pig considering the limited number I would assume are available - everyone should get one that wants one... if I need to purchase more after the initial rush to cover the legality of installation, that's fine. I am just curious what the intent here is - if I can order two chips without requiring two cds... does that imply I am covered?

I can't thank you enough for continued support of one of my two favorite platforms. (C64/Amiga)
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