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Old 21 May 2021, 19:24   #63
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Originally Posted by White View Post
to move entire archives inside morphos for example a usb stick or an external usb hd with the demo-scenes which filesystem is supported fat32?
Do you mean that you would like to backup files and directories into a USB stick/HD without packing them into an archive (lha, tar...)? If a USB stick/HD is in FAT32 and you copy Amiga/MorphOS files into it, you lose Amiga specific file attributes and comments, which isn't nice. But of course if files you copy aren't using any special attributes, then it might do too... but if you want to be sure everything will stay as they are on the HD, then you should think how to proceed.

There are several solutions to this. If you want to keep the stick in the FAT format, you can create an image file on it, and mount the image when copying files into it. You can even encrypt it for security with the TrueCrypt based Kryptos application which comes with MorphOS. Instructions how to do it can be found there. If you don't want to encrypt it, making a simple image file and mounting it with FileImageCtrl will work too.

Another option is just to format the USB stick to some other filesystem. You can change partition layout to RDB with the HDConfig tool, and then just format the partition(s) like regular HDs to SFS, for example. I've been using this option myself for backupping... I have external USB HD in SFS and also some sticks. Remember the filesystem limits when creating partitions, but you can of course create several paritions to a USB device too (I have 2 x 128GB partitions on my 250GB USB HD). Here's a tutorial how to prepare a CF card for classic Amiga in MorphOS... you can take some advice from there, but if you're formatting USB stick to MorphOS only use, you can skip the custom filesystem identifiers and just use the predefined filesystems.

Third option that comes in my mind now is that if you have MorphOS SDK installed, you could use the Tar command from it to archive files into single file without compressing them (it's faster). The MorphOS version of Tar preserves Amiga/MorphOS attributes if you use the --xattrs option. This would be much faster than LHA'ing them.
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