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Old 09 May 2021, 17:45   #4577
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Originally Posted by Qun Mang View Post
I installed it and the game runs fine for me, but that's all I can say right now as I haven't figured out yet how to proceed from the starting area. On training, I fall through the hole, get the gun, shoot the guard who appears, then that's it- I cannot find a way to proceed. On regular game start I go down the stairs, grab the gun, shoot the scorpion or whatever it is, crouch to go through the opening, collect the goodies, and again can't find out how to proceed.

Looks like I need to RTFM.

EDIT: I also ran Powerslave on eXoDOS and it doesn't seem any different except for the keys and that version doesn't appear to be set to use the mouse. I appreciate the controls on this being normalized to standard FPS- I don't know if they were intentionally set that way or if mouse control changes the keys used. I am guessing I need to try to activate things as I did see in the manual a key for that and found I could open something up in the training area, but still not enough to proceed.
Thanks for testing Qun Mang

I haven't tried the "Training" but here's a hint for the normal game. Try shooting the flaming skull barrels
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