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Old 02 May 2021, 19:26   #1
Vodka monster.
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A1200 restoration project.

After a year, and alot of money spent, I've finally finished work refurbing my A1200. It been a fun, but a very expensive exercise...

A1200 mods:
New A1200 case from A-eon.
A1200 bitfrost (programmable LED lights).
New Amiga badge for my new A1200 case.
New keyboard membrane.
A1200 Keyboard retrobrighted, but they still seem very yellow :-(
A1200 Tin shielding removed.
A1200 hard disk cradle removed.
Motherboard recapped
A1200 motherboard timing fixes performed.
TV Modulator removed to allow room for future expansion.
CC_RESET fix performed for PCMCIA port.
Newly burned EPROMS for Kickstart 46.143
IDE to CF adapter.
Gotek fitted with 3D printed bracket (in place of floppy drive)
Indivision MK2cr for scandoubling display on modern PC monitor.
ACA 1233n accelerator with 128MB of Fast RAM plugged in the trapdoor (just finished fitting the clock module onto the board).

Final part of the journey has been:

Installing Workbench 3.1.4 using HSTWB with WHDLoad packs
Tracking down a set of bookshelf speakers which I've wired up to a Lepy LP-2020A amplifier

Sorting out internet connectivity via Roadshow TCP/IP stack and a LinkSYS network card. I used a set of powerline adapters to use my the electrical wiring of the house for setting up the ethernet to get online. Finally can get his old beastie online and FTP'ing stuff to the A1200.

The nice chaps at have sent me over a Joystick kit, which I've finished constructing with a nice Sanwa JLS quality joystick.

I've never had so much fun in ages. Now this projects out the way, I'm shortly moving onto to the ZX Spectrum's I have laying around which also need restoring

Last edited by Hercules; 03 May 2021 at 16:22.
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